Voting on Proposals

You can vote on CCS proposals using Particl’s on-chain voting system

Voting on proposals requires you to hold Particl coins and to be actively staking on the network. If you’re voting, every block you stake within a particular voting period will register a vote.

What are Proposals and CCS?
Learn more in Learn -> Proposals article!

How to vote

To vote, first find the proposal you want to vote for on the CCS. Note down its proposal ID, the number of the block at which the voting period starts, the number of the block at which the voting period ends, and the value associated with your voting preference (i.e. 1 = “Voting for the proposal”).

Once that is done, follow the instructions below, depending on what client you use to stake your coins on the network.

Partyman (Cold Staking Application)

  1. Access your Partyman staking node and enter Partyman’s folder:
cd ~/partyman/
  1. Make sure Partyman is on the latest version by typing the following command:
git pull
  1. Still in Partyman’s folder, find what proposal you want to vote for by entering the following command:
./partyman proposal list
  1. Vote on the proposal by typing the following command:
./partyman proposal vote
  1. Confirm that you want to vote for a proposal. This will clear all previous voting preferences if you’re already voting on a proposal.
  2. Enter the ID of the proposal you want to vote for and press Enter
  3. Enter the voting option you want to cast your vote for and press Enter

That is all! Every time you stake a block until the voting period ends, you’ll cast a vote. The system will tally the votes at the end of the voting period to determine the end result.

Particl Desktop

  1. Open your Particl Desktop client
  2. Click on the Governance app, either from the start screen or from the sidebar menu on the left side of the client.
  3. Find the proposal you want to vote for within the “Active and Upcoming Proposals” section and click on its tile to expand its details.
  4. Click on the Vote on Proposal button and enter your voting preference in the dropdown menu.
  5. Cast your vote by clicking on the Cast Vote button.

Particl Core

  1. Open your Particl Core client
  2. Click on the Window tab at the top of the client and then go to “Console”
  3. In the console window, make sure that the wallet with your coins staking is selected in the dropdown menu. If you don’t select the wallet that is staking your coins, your vote will not register. Enter the following command to register your vote:
setvote proposal option height_start height_end
  • proposal should be the ID of the proposal you want to vote for
  • option should be the value of your voting option (i.e. 1 = “Voting for the proposal”)
  • height_start is the block number when the voting period starts
  • height_end is when it ends

In the end, the command should look similar to this, with different values depending on the proposal and your voting preferences:

setvote 1 1 300000 305040

In this example, you would be voting for Proposal ID number 1, with the voting option 1, and do so from block 300,000 to 305,040.

That is all! Every time you stake a block until the voting period ends, you’ll cast a vote. The system will tally the votes at the end of the voting period to determine the end result.

Tally Votes

To see the current results of a particular proposal, you can tally the votes. That can be done during or after a voting period.


  1. Access your Partyman staking node and enter Partyman’s folder:
cd ~/partyman/
  1. Find what proposal you want to tally the votes of by entering the following command:
./partyman proposal list
  1. Tally the proposal’s votes by typing the following command:
./partyman proposal tally
  1. Enter the ID of the proposal you want to tally the votes and press Enter.

Particl Desktop

  1. Open your Particl Desktop client
  2. Click on the debug console icon at the top right corner of the screen
  3. In the console window, type the following command:
tallyvotes proposal height_start height_end
  • proposal should be the ID of the proposal you want to vote for
  • height_start is the block number when the voting period starts
  • `height_end is when it ends

Particl Core

  1. Open your Particl Core client
  2. Click on the Window tab at the top of the client and then go to “Console”
  3. In the console window, type the following command:
tallyvotes proposal height_start height_end
  • proposal should be the ID of the proposal you want to vote for
  • height_start is the block number when the voting period starts
  • `height_end is when it ends
