

CodebaseAlways up-to-date with latest Bitcoin Core
Consensus mechanismParticl Proof-of-Stake (PPoS)
Block time120 seconds (5× faster than BTC)
Block size2 MB (2× larger than BTC)

Coin supply

Total & circulating supply9+ million PART (check link for exact number)
Community fund~33,000 PART (owned by PART community)


Block reward~0.66 PART
Coin maturity225 confirmations (~8 hours)
Yearly interest rateMin. 2% (based on network weight)
Particl Cold StakingQuantum-resistant cold staking with support for hardware wallets


SegWitNative, enabled by default for all transactions
Atomic SwapsEnabled & compatible
Transaction TypesPublic (pseudonymous, like BTC), Confidential Transactions (CT) and RingCT (on testnet, in development)
Multi-sig securitySupported with Particl Copay
Lightning NetworkComing soon
BulletproofsEnabled (on testnet, in development)
